Johaan Paul

360 Interactive Photos

This project demonstrates the seamless integration of video technology and artificial intelligence to create high-quality 3D models. By leveraging Luna-AI's capabilities, I was able to transform a simple video into a valuable digital asset, opening up numerous possibilities for innovation and application in various fields.

capturing the video:

I started by using a phone camera to capture a video that orbits around the object making sure a to capture all parts of the object. This video footage was taken from multiple angles to ensure comprehensive coverage of the object’s dimensions and features.

Uploading to Luna-AI:

The recorded video was then uploaded to Luna-AI after creating a free account with them. Luna-AI is a sophisticated AI platform designed for 3D modeling. Luna-AI specializes in processing visual data to create accurate and detailed 3D models.

AI Transformation:

Once the video was uploaded, Luna-AI analyzed the footage, extracting key details and spatial information from the multiple perspectives provided in the video. The AI then used this data to generate a precise 3D model of the object, capturing its intricate details and textures.


Once the 3D model was created in Luna-AI I had the choice of exporting in multiple formats, including GLTF, USDZ, OBJ, PLY, a 360 Image or sharing as a Link, or Iframe element. These files and results have many applications like for VR enviroments, E-commerce, Digital Archiving, Visual Aids for Educational settings, 3D models in games, Digital replicas of artifacts ensuring thier preservation, this is just a few examples of the uses of this.